Scheduling in Year 2016
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Having worked in Thailand before and still am, it’s pretty clear to me, as with my Thai colleagues that this is one movie that will grip you by the horns.
Or it might not.
For sure, it will provide you with some chilly, scary moments.
Along with an accompaniment of mindless gags.
Hence we should pronounce this as a Ghost Comedy.
Now, the rural population of THAILAND is around 46 million and these country folks love this brand of comedies. Good to laugh, they chime.
Smart director Pakphum Wongjinda knows where to place his sentiments in a win-win situation.
He has also gleefully calculated the inflow of dollars and cents.
The drab Plot:
“A group of college students pick a remote Chinese cemetery as a filming locale for their
senior-year short movie project.
The filming script is planned to be a weepy romance that will tear at your heartstrings.
Quite by coincidence the shoot dates happen to fall during the Chinese Ghost Festival.
But the real terror erupts when Ji (Apittha “Mean” Klaiudom), a depressed female colleague, who has just joined the crew gets possessed by a stray spirit.
The horrifying spirit wants the crew to help it to accomplish something…
Or else death will befall everyone.”
It is silly to even compare this movie with PEE MAK, the blockbuster which stars MARIO MAURER.
PEE MAK is helmed by a very renowned director and MARIO is a Thailand superstar.
The ensemble cast of POSSESSED are relatively unknown.
No matter, as the 46 million people comprising the rural populace were to buy the DVD version, the sales will still reap a tidy amount, even if this film should flop at the cinema.
Is this movie deliciously demented?
Not on your life, but if you like Thai horror comedies, check this one out.
Rating: 2 out of 5.
Monday, March 17, 2014
Truth be told:
You can grade me as an old school enthusiast, but no matter.
I try not to be a fan of the present day animated films where the focus rests largely on CGI instead of plot.
This one, however, is an exception: I am bowled over by “MR. PEABODY AND SHERMAN”.
It may be in 3D but the use of CGI is wisely balanced.
The movie is funny, wacky, cute, offering a wisp of spring, is irresistible, and a lot more …..
Truly we roar at the unintended antics of the comic duo MR.PEABODY, his son SHERMAN and their helpless escapades.
The “feel-good” energy is set to dispense anybody’s blues away.
Let’s take a quick run through the story:
Mr. Peabody (Ty Burrell) is a smart talking dog who won the legal right to adopt Sherman (Max Charles), an orphaned baby.
Father and son now live an eventful life—punctuated by frequent time-travel adventures around the world in Mr. Peabody’s time machine (called “the WABAC’). You better believe this.
Life is perfect, until Sherman starts school.
Teased by his classmate, Penny, for his unorthodox upbringing, Sherman retaliates and lands himself in a fix, raising doubts about Mr. Peabody’s ability to raise a human child.
Thereupon Sherman takes the WABAC out for a joyride to impress Penny and win over her friendship.
The two accidentally rip a hole in the universe, wreaking havoc affecting the most important events in history.
Before the damage sinks deeper to alter the past, present and future, Mr. Peabody is summoned to their rescue.
This is a wholesome family entertainment at its best.
Everybody will be assured of rib-tickling fun and laughter galore.
You can’t possibly go wrong with this one, chum.
Rating: 4 out of 5
Friday, March 14, 2014
Are THAI HORROR FILMS really the best thing in town?
Most everyone I know would rate that Thai ghosts are way on top, as compared with those from other countries.
There’s nothing like a Thai chiller, I hear this all the time.
They have probably forgotten that THAILAND also produced some pretty bad ones too.
Here is a Thai paranormal thriller called PROJECT HASIMA directed by Piyapan Choopetch that offers tons of jolts, thrills, spills, walking zombies and everything such.
You will be thrilled to bits. I was.
It’s competently directed for the THAI audience, not without its fair share of flaws though.
As an added bonus, you are rewarded with five pretty young things (three guys and two gals) , their screen characters groping in the dark, screaming out for survival.
They are strapped onto a metaphorical swinging pendulum, waiting to be slaughtered in the movie.
They are yours for the asking, as you would see them being bumped off, one by one, for your viewing pleasure. Ah, isn’t this sadism most foul?
This young creative team is trained in film making, and has just returned from an exciting all-expenses-paid assignment called PROJECT HASHIMA.
For no apparent reason, everyone is now mysteriously struggling with the demonic after-effects attained after their short shooting stint on the “devil” island.
Have they been cursed?
This island is renowned for the spooks dwelling there who wish not to be disturbed, as HASHIMA island has long been abandoned by the Japanese.
As time goes by, it becomes the breeding nest for nasty apparitions.
Incidentally this locale has also inspired Sam Mendes, Hollywood film maker to use this deserted island as a villain’s hideout for his James Bond’s movie “Skyfall”.
How does the PROJECT HASHIMA story start?
First, five eager film-school graduates gleefully upload a clip onto YouTube, and it unexpectedly becomes an online overnight sensation.
Because they are the “flavor of the season”, these aspiring filmmakers are offered an attractive deal by a local TV production company whose sole intent is to cash on their popularity.
Their assignment is to shoot a horror-genre TV program on Hashima Island, with all expenses paid.
The ensemble team comprises of the self-assured, pain-in-the-ass leader Off (Alexander Rendell) and his trusting girlfriend Nan (Apinya Sakulkaroensuk0), the clingy beauty May (Sushar Manaying), the artistic Nick (Pirat Nipitpaisalkul), and the long-haired airhead Dog (Mek Mekwattana).
The movie is overloaded with a generous dose of teen-romance, a love triangle, loan sharks, witchcraft and apparitions when Off stupidly messes with possessions of the dead on the island.
You see, Off steals a demonic ring from an altar at the shoot location, brings it back to Bangkok, thereby kicking off the curse for the rest of his team.
Who’s next for the execution?
PROJECT HASHIMA has an interesting premise with excellent acting from the cute actors.
There’s a menacing zombie lurking in the dark.
It’s waiting to pop out suddenly to give you the creeps whilst the ghost exacts her revenge one-by-one.
Who will die, who lives?
Go watch the movie for the answers.
Rating: 3.5 out of 5
Thursday, March 13, 2014
If anyone can possibly recall, there’s a Chinese adage that preaches “revenge is ever-so-sweet”.
And it comes with a resounding admonishment, warning you not to toy with fire, but if somebody does you a huge injustice, you can still evoke your revenge, even if the waiting takes ten years.
Vengeance will justifiably strike at the opportune time when you least expect it.
But can you wait this long?
That is the premise of “THE SECOND COMING”, a theme of vengeance comes lately.
This is Hong Kong film director HERMAN YAU’s first foray into directing a stereoscopic 3D movie, using a macabre plot weaving around fighting the supernatural.
But at the press screening, we were shown the 2D version, so the interesting parts would not have been glorified.
The co-director is Australian writer RAYMOND NG who incidentally, writes the screenplay.
It is a Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore joint collaboration in view of the elaborate investments required for the extensive CGI effects.
For all purport, this suspense-horror feature focuses on a teenage girl who’s able to feel and see nasty apparitions from the spiritual world.
Here’s a quick plot run-down :
Ming (KENNY WONG) and his wife (MAGGIE SIU) lead a serene life with their 13-year-old daughter Lucy (JOEY LEONG) while their 20 year-old son Sunny (DON LEE) is studying to be a doctor overseas.
Everything is idyllic, until Ming accidentally reverses his car and accidentally knocks Lucy down on her 14th birthday.
From then onward, Lucy starts to hallucinate and behaves in an eccentric way.
When her brother Sunny returns from his overseas studies, he finds his once beloved sister is no longer the person he knows.
What follows are the hidden secrets about the past.
These are uncovered one by one, and the exasperated family is forced to confront what they want to be forgotten.
Asian horror films have always been fascinated with the relationship between the living and the dead.
This one is no exception.
“THE SECOND COMING” is competently handled, decently acted and contains a few twists in the final reel that may have you on edge.
Such as the one with Lucy opening the fridge door only to scream in terror at a baby-like demon curled up embryonic style.
No spoilers here to mar the suspense but the post production is choppy with far too many flashbacks and if you do not follow closely, confusion can set in.
The lead actress is JOEY LEONG, a pretty nubile Malaysian who’s done a couple of made-in-Singapore horror flicks and some TV dramas. She’s prettier here and her acting skills have improved immensely.
She is ably supported by Hong Kong veterans: MAGGIE SIU, KENNY WONG and DON LEE.
Here’s an interesting bit about the film director HERMAN YAU when he was explaining why his film had been classified under Category 3 in Hong Kong.
His witty reply was that it is the first time experience where he created a scenario showing his actor cutting the penis off a man and later a doctor eats the penis.
And in realm of the 3D you can actually see the genitals zooming straight at you! (guffaw).
But I witness no such scene, assuming that this one must have been censored.
Ghosts most foul?
Truth or Dare?
Tread in with a curious mind if you wish to know the answers.
RATING: 2.5 out of 5.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
“300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE Press Review
First, let’s move in and seize the bull by the horns following this remarkable SYNOPSIS:
The movie is based largely on Frank Miller’s latest graphic novel Xerxes.
Here the continuing saga is recounted in the grand style of mesmerizing visual splendor, dogging closely to the immensely successful 2007 blockbuster “300″.
This new rebirth relocates the action from sordid land to the men-swallowing stormy seas.
The Greek general Themistokles (Sullivan Stapleton) endeavors to unite all of Greece by leading the legion that will change the course of the war.
“300: Rise of an Empire” pits Themistokles against the massive invading Persian forces led by mortal-turned-god Xerxes (Rodrigo Santoro), and Artemisia (Eva Green), the vengeful commander of the Persian navy.
Themistokles’ troops may not be real soldiers.
But this untrained bunch of farmers, poets and sculptors they will fight tooth-and-nail to protect their land.
This sequel is a dedication saluting their bravado.
Israeli director Noam Murro does an excellent job of helming the franchise established so vividly by Zach Snyder.
With the slaughters shot in slow motion gloriously demonstrating the gushes of blood, magnificent 3-D effects, homoerotic undercurrents, these are dressings of an actioner that promises something on the platter for everyone and will not fail to enthrall the audience.
The complexity of depicting a story this time from land to water is admirably harnessed.
The navy battles will surely blow your mind away.
These scenes are nothing short of breathtaking.
For non-stop butchery and for fans of gladiator epics, this one’s a good choice.
Violent. Gutsy. Sexy.
Go for it!
Rating: 3.5 out of 5
Monday, March 3, 2014
It looks like this genre of movie might best suit LIAM NEESON, but you get a surprise package instead.
You have KEVIN COSTNER, so what do you think?
This dude really needs a second chance.
Hollywood is not taking him seriously, his acting career has seen better days and this one may regain his once-upon-a-time superstar status. Or it won’t?
In this intended comedic-yet-pulsating action-thriller, Kevin Costner plays a dangerous international spy who is dying from an incurable disease and is looking back with regret at a time where his killing assignments come first. He now realizes time is not in his hands, that he should have spent more time with family.
He therefore sets out to rebuild his strained relationship with his estranged wife and daughter. You’d call this redemption.
But first, he must tackle one last kill, as well as well as looking after his carefree teenage daughter for the first time in ten years, while his wife is out of town.
The script is written by LUC BESSON. He is largely responsible for resurrecting LIAM NEESON’s career with TAKEN.
BESSON has done scores of other scripts and since moves on to more challenging projects, not to say this one isn’t.
With 3 DAYS TO KILL, COSTNER is positioned as the suave, middle-aged assassin who kills for a living. This kind of role was dominated by younger fight stars way back in the 80s. Time changes everything.
Ethan Renner (KEVIN COSTNER) is a messer who leaves his dead bodies in a trail of splatter, a demonstrative factor that shows his life is one physical mess. But he’s one secret agent who’s a sharp shooter.
Vivi Delay (AMBER HEARD) is heading an operation out to kill the unscrupulous The Wolf and The Albino, deceptive crime lords on the prowl.
These two crooks are involved in transactions selling dirty bombs to terrorists.
No, 3 Days to Kill is not just a killer movie. It endeavors to be different.
Most of the time the “shoot-shoot-bang-bang” assignments are spiced with silly jokes, that may tend to mar the flow rather than to titillate.
KEVIN COSTNER is no Liam Neeson and he’s in a role that might have been originally crafted for the latter.
Costner has his own set of charm to bring to the story.
An entertaining movie if you just go with the flow.
Otherwise it will work as another needle in the haystack.
Rating: 3 out of 5
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