"Zhong Kui: Snow Girl and the Dark Crystal" is unashamedly, a refreshing take on pure fantasia.
It expounds you with a compelling touch of Western graphics effects. It is first and foremost, an ancient Chinese mythical folklore not to taken seriously.
Rather, treat this one as a breathtaking sweep across the abodes of heaven, earth, and hell. You will always remember this journey.
"Zhong Kui: Snow Girl and the Dark Crystal" is, unashamedly, a refreshing take on pure fantasia.
It expounds you with a compelling touch of Western graphic effects. But it is first and foremost, an ancient Chinese mythical folklore not to taken seriously.
Rather, treat this one as a breathtaking sweep across the abodes of heaven, earth, and hell.
You will always remember this journey.
No expense is spared for the awesome effects. It’s an ambitious undertaking, you can count on this.
The Story:
Legendary Chinese anti-hero Zhong Kui, is a young man endowed with mysterious powers. He is forced to fight a battle within the realms of Heaven, Earth and Hell. However he fails to save his countrymen and the woman he loves, thereby creating a fantasy vacuum of magic, grandeur and mystery.
There’s no denying the amount of painstaking details and work that went into generating the towering landscapes, hideous monsters, and fiery explosions.
The film director changes the entire tone of the show, setting up enough conflict and tension to keep you intrigued throughout the movie.
The majestic film is directed by PETER PAU and ZHAO TIAN YU. It stars CHEN KUN, LI BING BING, WINSTON CHAO, YANG ZISHAN and a host of other veteran stars.
For fans of ancient folklore and swordplay dramas, don't miss this great film.
It’s a ROLLICKING-FUN TIME when THE PATH of TWO CRAZY HATTERS (the man a blurrish mechanic, the lady a bewildered language teacher) collide. “I FINE, THANK YOU, LOVE” tackles the Thai pronunciation and translation of the English language with hilarious after-effects. Want to go for an enjoyable ride? Then hop aboard!
A BEAUTIFUL FILM ….. full of wit, warmth, intelligence and human feeling.
LOVE is in the AIR, but no … he’s the wrong suitor!
IN THE BEGINNING, they cannot stand each other.
THEN THEY FALL HEAD-OVER-HEELS IN LOVE. Now, who will bag the gal?
The female lead ICE-PREECHAYA introduces the young film director MEZ THARATORN. This guy has cute girlish features, don’t you think so?
GOSH, man, do you have to nag?
Here’s a nutty team to beef up the story.
Look, I am dirt rich. I have this private yacht and you are still not convinced.
NOW THAT YOU HAVE CHOSEN HIM, I wish you all the luck and happiness.
YOU KNOW he won’t give up the fight so easily.
I FINE... THANK YOU... LOVE YOU…. Movie Review
This romantic comedy focuses on a perky English tutor named Pleng, who is requested to do a strange favor by one of her slutty students – to help her dump her ex-live-in Thai boyfriend, Gym. She offers her new designer bag in return. It’s good riddance to bad rubbish, she assures Pleng.
But when Gym discovers that Pleng is the cause of his heart-wreck, he insists that she coaches him English so that he can woo his wayward gal back.
At the same time, Pleng has fallen for another one of her handsome students named Pruek who showers her with endless gifts.
Most scenes are laugh-out-loud hilarious and, in this case, there is no concern by the audience over lines getting which may be lost in translation.
Most of the jokes are created from ribbing the English language. And vice versa.
It helps immensely that the ensemble cast perform admirably. We applaud them for their power of characterization.
It helps that the three leads are so likeable and Suwanmethanon, a classic good looker is hardly the prince charming here, playing a foul-mouthed mechanic.
Yet, there is latent charm in his sincerity to better himself at the workplace and as a boyfriend.
It is entertaining enough just to watch the pair (with Ice-Preechaya) bicker incessantly, whether they understand each other or not.
Go watch this feel good movie that admonishes us not to take things seriously and always to be kind.
This Reviewer loves this funny movie.
It’s like telling you that Spring has eventually arrived.
At a recent media screening of this film, this Reviewer was tickled pink to espy two critics debating a floating opinion. The consensus? “ATM is a heartwarming movie that everybody whose aged parents are still living should watch, that FILIAL PIETY is an everyday’s affair. It is not just about “balek kampong” for the annual REUNION DINNER, it’s more than just that. But to tag a secondary plot revolving a hunt for an ATM machine which was fradulently stolen and then clumsily lost is silly though.”How would it be possible for an ATM machine with stacks of dollar notes simply disappear without a trace with nobody even asking for the return?”
PRETTY GIRL and the SENIOR CITIZENS SHARING LIGHTER MOMENTS. There are always FUN TIMES and CAMARADERIE in the old age home. Who dare assert that friendship cannot be forged here?
RICKETY TREASURE HUNT for the long lost ATM Machine, the finding would mean a new lease of LIFE for the incumbents. Provided unreported findings of treasures can be waived.
CHA CHA CHA performed in AEROBICS by an energetic senior citizen.
Former Mob sifu brother FEI PENG falls in love with widow SISTER MUI adding a welcome respite of a blossoming old-school romance to the story.
LIFE can be daunting, but if you seek, you will find.
OR MAYBE NOT, as the inmates are seen packing to leave the old age home in the final phase …
At least UNCLE JIN CHENG finds closure in a loving god daughter before the entire group gets disbanded.
Ah-Lok (Kelvin Kwan), Bo Zai (C. Kwan) and Ming Ming (Joanna Yew) have been inseparable buddies since university days. Ah-Lok harbors a dream of becoming a musician, but in reality how can anyone make a decent living busking on the streets?
Ming Ming wants to break off with Ah Lok as she cannot accept a life of insecurity, confident that he will never be able to afford a house of his own.
Having grown up in a single-parent household after her parents divorced, Ming Ming comes to equate security with money.
Despite their best efforts, all three friends remain unemployed.
As fate would have it, they become entangled in an ATM robbery.
Ah Lok, Ming Ming and Bo Zai used to believe the “no money, no talk” doctrine. To the trio, MONEY IS EVERYTHING.
However in the old age home, all of them are basking in sunshine days, understanding and support from the senior citizens.
With the old age home facing a fate of being sold, it is therefore a race against time to locate the missing ATM machine in order to save the home.
Will they succeed in the task?
Rating: 4 out of 5
Local Distributor: GSC Movies
In this movie, Ha Yu serves as producer and actor.
Producer Ha Yu eyed Joanne Yew from the very beginning as he sees great potential in fielding her to be a Malaysian export.
As a veteran actor Ha Yu is game to try anything to improve the quality of the movie. A fine example would be on how he tackled dementia when his screen character is already in the throes of Alzheimer disease as he tackles the plight of an urgent need to use the toilet. Unable to control his bowels, he poops in his pants.
Then he bawled like a baby.
Press Photos courtesy of BENJAMIN LO for K-TEAM PRODUCTIONS.
JOANNA YEW WAS THE FEMALE LEAD of the immensely popular Malaysian film THE JOURNEY, which is why HA YU scouted her for his ATM without much ado.
HA YU : “This is the first time I am doubling as a Producer cum Actor. And I am grateful that award winning actress PAW HEE-CHING has agreed to be part of this project.
From left are HA YU, LO HOI PANG and KELVIN KWAN
ALL THE ACTORS who have flown down specially from HONG KONG wish EVERYONE a SAFE GOAT YEAR.