Ahhhh .....
CHRISTMAS is rolling just round the corner.
Are you madly scrambling for your last-minute festive shopping?
Trudging over the mall, you cannot help but hear the soft, joyous playing of Christmas carols over the public intercom that's enhancing the festive ambience.
'Tis a season to be MERRY.
Christmas comes but once a year, and when it comes, it brings good cheer.
Frenetic gift exhanges, decorating Christmas trees, cosy familiness, buy, buy, buy till you drop dead.
It's all about spending money, the more money we got, the MORE we spend.
Money is power in this season of COMMERCIALISM.
And it's always MONEY that maketh the world goes round.
Whilst we merry-make this season, let's spare a kind thought for the myriad of homeless people in third world countries who are hungry and destitute.
Life is never equal.
It can never be.
Do we count our blessings?
Perhaps not.
Have we ever experienced what it's like to be impoverished?
So that steak tasted awful and you're going to toss it to the dog?
Bet there're countless hungry kidos out there in the cold who would give an arm and leg to savor edible scraps ...
Remember that song FOOD, GLORIOUS FOOD sung by OLIVER TWIST?
Food, glorious food!
What wouldn't we give for
That extra bit more --
That's all that we live for
Why should we be fated to
Do nothing but brood
On food,
Magical food,
Wonderful food,
Marvellous food,
Fabulous food,
Beautiful food,
When we have, we don't think.
We tend to take good things for granted.
If you have clean water to drink, a warm bed to sleep in, and enough food to eat on a regular basis, then you're more fortunate than a majority of the people in the world.
If you have access to transportation, education, and proper medical care, then consider yourself wealthy beyond measure.
If you find that you have a little something extra left over at the end of each month, then please consider helping someone in a third world country.
There are plenty of organizations out there willing to help these people, but they can't do it alone.
Sigh .....
Didn't I read somewhere that
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted?
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