Nah, THE CRAZIES is not a slapstick yarn as the name implies.
Far from it.
It’s a mind boggling horror thriller, a zombie flick that takes you on a scary hair-raising ride to arrive at a flat-out apocalyptic conclusion.
Run, baby, run!
A happily married couple in OGDEN MARSH, a desolate midwestern town find themselves battling for their lives as their neighbours and family suddenly disintegrate into unexplainable madness.
A government plane carrying an unidentified cargo has crashed outside the peaceful farming town of OGDEN MARSH, contaminating the water supply with a deadly virus.
The mysterious toxin spilled in the water turns everyone exposed to it into mindless killers.
The infected ones go berserk and piles of bloodied bodies are strewn everywhere.
Even the authorities play safe and show total disregard for the safety of the uninfected, leaving them to face their own gloom and doom.
Now everyone is trapped in the maze of this once-upon-a-time idyllic town they now no longer recognize.
Unable to trust former neighbours and friends and deserted by the authorities, two couples are forced to band together, planning haphazardly, an escape route.
It’s a nightmarish struggle for survival.
This is where the story begins.
Director BRECK EISNER does a bloody good job in helming this edgy supernatural tale that will keep us on the edge of suspense.
It’s definitely worth a watch, when you want to blow your mind after a tiring day’s grind!
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