THE STORY OF TIME 光陰的故事 Taiwan Drama. You’ll LAUGH, You’ll CRY, You’ll LOVE in this SMALL FUNKY TOWN. MEMORIES are made of THESE.



WEBER YANG 楊一展 (formerly LEROY YANG)



THE STORY OF TIME 光陰的故事 Taiwan Drama
Stretch out your hand ….
No …?
Then they are out of our clasp.
MOMENTS are made up of this thing called TIME,
And TIME waits for no man.
Treasure youth while you have it.
Flaunt it,
Relish fleeting moments -
Savor the wind,
Smell the earth,
Romp nature ….
Because TODAY is present tense,
And YESTERDAY has already passed.
光陰的故事 THE STORY OF TIME is a timely parable told through 54 episodes of a Taiwanese drama that takes you on a nostalgic trip into the 1960s, if you are a baby boomer.
It spins a heart-warming tale of LOVE for your parents, siblings, friends, neighbours and everyone around you.
Kiss them, hug them, treasure them.
THE STORY OF TIME 光陰的故事 is one cool maverick.
Ever once in a long, long while would you come across a telly gem such as this.
My heart ache and palpitate with the joy and sadness as I share “the LIFE’s roller coaster ride” with the characters.
It’s so real.
It brings out the raw emotions in me …. in gushes.
I relish the heartfelt script that explores the ultimate in realism,
one of the best I’ve ever appraised
in years in the Chinese television.
Hail the TAIWANESE RENAISSANCE which’s been in the deepest of doldrums for more than a decade.
This drama series is going to stay imprinted in every viewer’s mind for ages.
Rally around, folks.
Don’t you know that the world is round and that love is always around?
For crying out loud, you don’t have to look that hard,
THE STORY OF TIME 光陰的故事 is painstakingly researched, has a great well-crafted script, a team of talented directors, real actors (young and old) who portray characters so vividly real, that they seem to “jump” out of the telly right into your living room.
There are many scenes that’ll find you reaching for the tissue box ….
You might have this lump in your throat and fight back real tears whilst watching the series.
You might exclaim, “Gosh, I understand my parents better now. But they are no longer on this earth!”
And I’d like to borrow the title from CAROLE KING’s famous song “I hear the Earth moves under my feet ….”
Oh yeah, THE STORY OF TIME 光陰的故事 rocks!
When you have the full set of DVDs, it’s real hard to stop
and you may make the choice to skip meals to relish episode-by-episode,
It’s like observing a camaraderie of old and young folks sharing warm banters and familiness.
Hey, as blood is thicker than water, families are that important.
THE STORY OF TIME 光陰的故事 is not probably, but IS definitely the best among the “bestest” (pardon the pun) of Chinese telly dramas that I have enjoyed in the last decade.
Whether in SINGAPORE, HONG KONG, CHINA or MALAYSIA, nothing ever comes this close to this wonderful, heart-warming, spellbinding, didactic drama.
The adjectives can flow …..
Stay braced.
Here are a couple of lessons learnt from this series:
I must spend MORE time with my loved ones, because they are not going to be around forever.
I must pat the head of someone who looks up at me in awe, because that little person soon will grow up and leave my side.
I will squeeze you with a warm hug, because that is the only treasure I can give with all my heart and it’s free.
I will say ‘I love you’ and mean it.
A kiss and an embrace will mend hurt, when it comes from deep inside of me.
And to lock hands and cheeks and cherish this moment, because someday you will fade from my sight.
Life is not about breathing, you get to be blown too.
NOW, GEORGE CARLIN (famous comedian and wise adager) …..
For all of the above, I salute you GEORGE, as always.
Your teachings are like priceless pieces of jewels to me,
Yeah, TIME and TIDE indeed wait for no man ….
For the baby boomer, it’s like basking in the good old days.
And oh yeah,
Lest I shall forget …..
Indeed so.
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