No pun or drama intended.
Bate your breath,
Take a hankie, wipe a sniff.
Not on account of the coming Yuletide warmings,
but …..
‘TIS a season to bid a fond ADIEU to HARRY POTTER and his merry gang as they are taking a bow.
Lights out …..
It’s curtain call.
This is when we peruse the credits at the end of the PART ONE chronicle: HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS.
The 146 minute-SAGA continues with the excitement of heart pounding action that’s bursting to rip the cinematic screen apart.
And rightly so.
Part One will open in theaters worldwide this month.
Part Two will be screened next year, in all probability, in the full splendor of the 3-D.
Since 2001, die-hard fans have fervently followed HARRY POTTER and his chums through Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
And in their amazing, endless battles against the rising forces of the evil Lord Voldemort who murdered Harry’s parents, and wants to have him killed too.
DANIEL RADCLIFFE who plays HARRY was then 11,
and RUPERT GRINT, 12 .
All three have all grown up and are now strapping young adults.
Those were the good old days.
Time has flown.
As for you and I, since the first of HARRY POTTER chapter right till now, we need to add “ten more fingers” (showing 2 upright hands) to add to our age.
Good things never last and everything must finally come to an end.
Parting is such sweet sorrow?
It all depends.
What will happen to Daniel Radcliffe, 21, Emma Watson, 20, and Rupert Grint, 22 after a long decade in the spotlight?
Back to normalcy in life?
It is likely to be an emotional parting for the young stars, who must now face the world without their on-screen personas which dominated their formative childhoods and turned them into multi-millionaires.
Will there be life after the HARRY POTTER series?
DANIEL RADCLIFFE has demonstrated he has one.
He had done a couple of features and acted as a horse-obsessed stable boy in a theatre production of “Equus” – where he bared both his soul and penis.
He has no regrets about taking the controversial part as it helped to distance him from the boy wizard he plays in the HARRY POTTER franchise.
This is his explanation to the media: “If I went off and did another fantasy film, everyone would say, ‘He’s not even trying,’ but if I went off and played a drug dealer, they’d say, ‘God, he’s trying way too hard.’”
The first six Harry Potter films earned 5.4 billion dollars (3.9 billion euros) at the box office, making it the most successful movie franchise of all time.
In HARRY POTTER AND THE DEALTHLY HALLOWS: PART ONE, Voldemort and his evil henchmen control huge swathes of the wizarding world, creating a dark and forbidding environment where Harry and his friends are constantly in danger.
They leave the sanctuary of school and families and set out alone to seek out horcruxes, items in which Voldemort has hidden pieces of his soul, so they can destroy them and ultimately bring him down.
Much of the film dwells on a road trip, as the trio travel around Britain to try to stay safe, and focuses on the close friendship between the young leads.
Naturally we know that there’ll be a cliffhanger at the end (what’s new?)
Breathtaking wondrous cinematography that juxtaposes between the lush and the evil is brilliantly captured by lens man Eduaro Serra.
Being the darkest of the entire HARRY POTTER franchise, PART ONE one promises blood, gore, violence and scary giant serpents.
Kudos to the film director David Yates for delivering the compelling job of helming a stupendous cast.
Not a fan of the HARRY POTTER chronicles, this film is a worthwhile wait.
The FINAL resolution will be revealed in PART TWO,
which is scheduled for next July 2011.
That will cover a colossal battle between HARRY POTTER with his allies against Voldemort’s dark forces.
A battle to the death.
Kindly stay cool, calm and collected.
Good things are well worth waiting for.
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